E3 has almost wrapped up and in its wake we are left with a slew of news from all three big video game console manufacturers. For those that don't know, E3 stands for
Electronics Entertainment Expo and is one of the key venues in which big video game companies make even bigger announcements. This years E3 has brought us some of the biggest news in the future of gaming and technology and has channeled some nostalgia with a few announcements regarding classic and beloved franchises. Fresh designs were big this year, as was 3D and the big three (Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo) all weighed in and delivered their presentations, each highlighting their future tech for the coming year.

Microsoft's big announcement this year is the re-vamped
Xbox 360 250 GB

. According to Microsoft representatives, the Xbox 360 250GB is 15% smaller than the original Xbox 360. Side by side, the new console looks to be an inch shorter, but roughly the same in terms of width and breadth. No wonder they didn't call it the 360 Slim. Microsoft also shifted the look of the console slightly by adding a slightly off-centered taper to the case. The design styling makes the console look like a giant X and the console's matte finish, has been replaced by a glossier, more fingerprint prone, black. Cooling has also been improved with a few large vents and a bigger, more quiet fan. On the front of the console you'll find two USB ports and no Memory Unit ports. On the back of the console, there is an additional three USB ports (5 in all), and an ethernet plug. HDMI and optical audio connectors in addition to Microsoft's proprietary connector for access to component video/composite/S-Video options round out the back of the new Xbox. Eager beavers who want to get a hold of the new box can get them almost immediately. Microsoft will begins shipping the
250 GB Xbox
to retailers immediately, so chances are you can pick one up at a local Best Buy (provided they don't sell out).

icrosoft's other major announcement at E3 was the formal naming of their new motion sensor peripheral, formerly named
Project Natal, now named
. Kinect will supposedly allow gamers to immerse themselves even further into the game by capturing their movements outside the game without a need for a controller. A new Kinect port will come standard on the Xbox 360 250GB providing Kinect with power and data transmission capabilities. Owners of the original Xbox 360 will need to use a USB port and an included power adapter to use Kinect and the price of Kinect around $150.

ony's presentation at E3 did little to disappoint and shed some much needed light on their new motion controller, the PlayStation Move. Sony's press briefing revealed a
$100 motion controller starter pack
, the cost of a
controller a la carte
($50) and a
$30 price of a solo navigation sub-controller
. Sony said a
$400 PS3 bundle
is also in the works. Among the games that will be compatible with Sony's purportedly one-to-one peripheral:
Killzone 3
due out February 2011,
Heroes on the Move:
which will feature Jak and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank, and Sly Cooper, and Time Crisis: Razing Storm, which will include the arcade editions of 2007's
Time Crisis 4
and the just-released Deadstorm Pirates. Both games have been updated with Move functionality and will also be compatible with the
Guncon 3
light gun peripheral as well as Move. The PlayStation Move will hit stores in North America on September 19th and include a Move "demo disc" most likely similar to Wii Sports.
Sony also took some time to tout their already launched 3D enabled gaming. Although a bunch of games have already received 3D support via a firmware upgrade (all that you require is a
3D enabled TV
) Sony announced a few new games that would be receiving 3D support from the get-go. Among those: A New Twisted Metal,
Little Big Planet 2
Gran Turismo 5
Killzone 3
, Metal Gear Solid: Peacer Walker, the upcoming
Shaun White Skateboarding
Tron Evolution
Crysis 2
NBA 2K11
, the new Mortal Kombat,
and more.
Portal 2
(expected in 2011),
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
, Medal Of Honor, more get will be getting exclusive PS3 content as well.

Also unveiled was Sony's plan for a premium PS3 network service and though the PSN will remain free with its current feature set, There will be a new paid level called PlayStation Plus, which will require a subscription. The service will, supposedly, offer "hundreds" of dollars of value, including early demo access, beta invites, free games, free themes, and a host of other new content and will launch later this month for $50 a year, or $18 for a three-month subscription. All bonus content will be owned for the "duration of your subscription," meaning you unsubscribe and you lose any free games they may have been offering.

Nintendo had much to say at this year's E3 with many announcements regarding first party titles. The big N announced that a new entry in The Legend of Zelda series would be arriving on the Wii, subtitled "
Skyward Sword
." The goal of goal of Skyward Sword is to get Link back to basics and focus on what makes the the games really fun.
In this Zelda, Link is a little boy born into a land above the clouds called Skyloft. One day, he learns there is a land below the clouds ruled by evil forces. However, the revelation prompts a series of events that force him to go to the land beneath the clouds and retrieve the Skyward Sword. The sword possesses intelligence and will assume the semi-human form in the teaser poster shown last year and will eventually become the Master Sword. The game will feature a new exaggerated inked art style, a big improvement over the last entry, "
Twilight Princess

In other news, Nintendo officially announced the 3DS, the successor to the best selling handheld of all time, the Nintendo DS. As stated in
a previous article, the 3DS will incorporate motion sensors and will apparently be able to deliver a 3D image without the need for special glasses. There will also be a set of cameras on the outside of the handheld to capture images and transpose them to 3D as well as cameras inside that will incorporate facial recognition technology. Games that are being worked on for the 3DS include new entries for
Kid Icarus
, PilotWings, Mario Kart, Nintendogs, Animal Crossing, StarFox, and Paper Mario as well as a remake of 1997's
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
. Other entries expected are Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Kingdom Hearts, Street Fighter, Resident Evil, Dead or Alive, Ninja Gaiden, Splinter Cell, Assassin's Creed, The Sims, Madden NFL Football, FIFA Soccer, Contra, Frogger, Saints Row, Batman, and more. In addition, Namco also stated that they would be working on Ridge Racer, Gundam, Super Robot Wars, Pac-Man, Galaga, and Dragon Ball entries for the system.
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