Wednesday, February 10, 2010

MTV Changes Logo

No sooner than I started this blog and lamented about how there's no music on MTV anymore, MTV decided to change it's logo and drop the "Music Television" tag line. Though over 10 years too late, this much needed change now reflects the programming actually shown on MTV: music free. On a channel where shows like "The Jersey Shore" and "The Hills" eclipse blocks of music videos, the change was meant to showcase some of the new "talent" featured in the transparent new design of the logo. Now all we need is a Snookie promo saying "I want my MTV" (fist pump).

I remember a time when Beavis and Butt-Head couldn't be aired because it had too much non-music content. That is why they ended up the short cartoons chopped up with reels of the duo sitting on the couch ripping on whatever video happened to come on. Occasionally there would be some shiny gems in their video library, but most of Beavis and Butt-Head's commentary was aimed at the most ridiculously popular videos of the spandex-clad eighties and melodramatic nineties. Where is the commentary on MTV now? I suppose it's lost in the blog-sphere amongst the people who are probably outside MTV's target demographic anyway.

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